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      Tim Barratt

      Partner, Head of Forestry

      Head of Forestry

      Tim leads our specialist forestry team, covering strategic asset management, valuations, sales, acquisitions as well as EIA and professional contracts.

      Tim Barratt

      Tim leads our specialist forestry team, covering strategic asset management, valuations, sales, acquisitions as well as EIA and professional contracts.

      Tim Barratt

      With 20 years' industry experience, Tim is at the forefront of his profession. He is a long-standing and passionate advocate of forestry's wide-ranging benefits from economics to ecosystem services and climate change mitigation to rural employment.

      Having worked in both the public and private sectors, Tim is well placed to lead our Forestry team, with a strong focus on achieving the best outcome for clients. He leads on our large client portfolio management with an oversight of commercial investment and sales.

      Tim's projects reflect the synergy between sustainable investment opportunities and integrated land use. None more so than Cumberhead where he has managed 2,000 hectares of commercial forestry and the installation of 269MW of consented and operational windfarm developments.

      As a green, socially responsible and ethical investment, forestry delivers. Tim has championed Bidwells' recent accreditation under the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment and believes it is important that forest asset owners and the wider industry adopt these principles too.